Thursday 29 February 2024

Reading Log Places Text

Name  : Wina Pujianita Wibowo

NPM    :232122033

Class   : B

Topic   : Places





Name of Places

Why I am interesting to read

Question before I read



The Grand Canyon

Because I often see this place in various tv shows

Where is the Grand Canyon located?



Moraine Lake

I want to know what Moraine Lake is like.

What sights does Moraine Lake have to offer?




I want to know how many visitors come to the place.

Is the journey to get to the place difficult?



Niagara Falls

Because I know this vacation spot.

When was this waterfall made?



Borobudur Tample

Because I have visited Borobudur Temple.

How was this architecturally difficult temple made?



Raja Ampat

Because this place is very popular in Indonesia as a vacation spot.

How much will I spend when I visit here?



Mount Bromo

Because my father had visited Mount Bromo, I wanted to know more about the place of Mount Bromo's explosion.

How long does it take if I want to hike to the top of a mountain?



Komodo National Park

I wanted to see the komodo in real life.

How do komodo dragons look in real life?


Day 1




Date: 22 February 2024


Time: 18.03-18.07


First Place

The Grand Canyon


The Grand Canyon is a sight to behold with its breathtaking panorama, offering you a dazzling array of colors and formations at different times of the day as the sunlight dances across the rocky landscape. From the vibrant hues of sunrise to the glow of sunset, the ever-changing colors of the canyon never fail to captivate all who see it.

Its photo


The amount of words on text

150 words

What makes you interested in this place

Because the Grand Canyon has a stunning view of the rock

Comment after reading

The text captures the essence of the Grand Canyon as a natural wonder that inspires awe and wonder in all who see it.

New vocabularies found





Second Place

Moraine Lake


The lake has a very beautiful view. The lake is surrounded by hills and dense forests, so we feel refreshed when visiting there.

Its photo


The amount of words on text

138 words

What makes you interested in this place

Because when I look at the photos, this place has a very eye-catching view.

Comment after reading

Moraine Lake is like a natural wonder that captivates the senses and leaves a lasting impression on all who encounter its beauty.

New vocabularies found

Ancient: kuno

Piles: tumpukan

Glaciers: gletser




Day 2




Date: 23 February 2024


Time: 14.30-14.36


First Place



Famous for its charming mountain scenery, pristine nature and rich cultural heritage, Apenzell also offers visitors a pleasant glimpse into Swiss life.

Its photo


The amount of words on text

147 words

What makes you interested in this place

Because I wanted to visit tourist attractions in Switzerland and I found this place on the website.

Comment after reading

I think the text paints a vivid picture of Appenzell as a beautiful Swiss village straight out of a fairytale.

New vocabularies found





Second Place

Niagara Falls


This waterfall has beautiful natural scenery and clear water. The waterfall is also so large that it leaves those of us who see it mesmerized. Visitors can enjoy the waterfall up close from an observation walk, boat tour, or even a helicopter ride if they want to see the view from above and immerse themselves in the awesome spectacle of this incredible destination.

Its photo


The amount of words on text

144 words

What makes you interested in this place

Because I often see this vacation spot on social media, I also want to come to this place.

Comment after reading

The text is about Niagara Falls, highlighting its geological origins, cultural significance and enduring appeal as a tourist destination. It is also a natural wonder that has fascinated and inspired people for generations.

New vocabularies found

Escarpment: jurang


Day 3




Date: 24 February 2024


Time: 09.32-09.35


First Place

Borobudur Temple


Borobudur Temple, located in Central Java, Indonesia, is an ancient Buddhist temple.  It is the largest Buddhist temple in the world, adorned with intricate carvings and Buddha statues. Surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful scenery, Borobudur is a testament to Indonesia's rich cultural and religious heritage.

Its photo


The amount of words on text

69 words

What makes you interested in this place

I've been here on a study tour and Borobudur Temple is a truly mesmerizing place. I would like to go back again if possible.

Comment after reading

This text captures the appeal of Borobudur Temple as a must-visit destination, highlighting its religious, historical and architectural significance. It effectively conveys the enchanting experience that awaits visitors to Borobudur Temple.

New vocabularies found

Immerse: membenamkan





Second Place

Raja Ampat


Located on the northwestern tip of the Bird's Head Peninsula in West Papua, Raja Ampat is a paradise for nature lovers and diving enthusiasts. With pristine turquoise waters, vibrant coral reefs and rich marine biodiversity.

Its photo


The amount of words on text

84 words

What makes you interested in this place

Raja Ampat has turquoise waters that attracted me to the vacation spot.

Comment after reading

This text describes the appeal of Raja Ampat as a place full of biodiversity and natural beauty. The text also gives a clear picture of a destination that provides an unforgettable experience for tourists.

New vocabularies found

Pristine : Murni


Day 4




Date : 25 February 2024


Time : 16.17-16.18


First Place

Mount Bromo


Mount Bromo is located in East Java. It is famous for its breathtaking sunrise views. Bromo is an active volcano and its crater still emits white smoke. Visitors often hike before dawn to witness the sunrise.

Its photo


The amount of words on text

64 words

What makes you interested in this place

The beauty of the scenery if we see the sunrise there.

Comment after reading

The text describes the allure of Mount Bromo as an iconic natural beauty in Indonesia and provides an interesting overview of Mount Bromo as a must-visit destination for travelers seeking natural beauty as well as adventure.

New vocabularies found

Excursion: Wisata/tamasya

Lush: subur/rimbun




Second Place

Komodo National Park


Komodo National Park is located in the Lesser Sunda Islands and is famous for its Komodo as well as its amazing marine biodiversity. With its unique blend of land and sea wonders, Komodo National Park offers an unforgettable adventure for nature and wildlife lovers.

Its photo


The amount of words on text

96 words

What makes you interested in this place

The existence of komodo as the largest lizard in the world in this place.

Comment after reading

The text describes Komodo's unique presence and the diverse natural wonders found within the reserve. Overall the text conveys the allure and appeal of exploring the incredible biodiversity of Komodo National Park.

New vocabularies found

Famed: terkenal

Coastline: garis/pesisir pantai

Reading Log Biography☆☆☆☆

  Name   : Wina Pujianita Wibowo Class    : B NPM     : 232122033 Topic    : Biography Day 1   Frida...